Sustainable Local Goods: Fresh Flowers, Honey & Eggs

The farm stand has been up and running since Mother’s Day weekend! We started with just Friday afternoons and Saturday mornings. We are now open most days of the week for flowers, honey and eggs!

Wrapped bouquets

We have buckets filled with beautiful market bouquets that are freshly harvested and conditioned to give you the longest base life.

All our blooms are grown right here on our little farm with no chemicals and the most sustainable practices.

Our flowers come in a multitude of colours and textures that will look wonderful on your table at home or as a gift for a friend. We use both annual and perennial plants for our bouquets.

We wrap our bouquets with kraft paper and rubber bands ready to be taken home to enjoy.

Local honey

Summer Rain Farm has a few hives on our property that we take great pride in keeping. I have been a beekeeper since 2015 and I have brought my son in to help me with this chore.

There are many steps to beekeeping which you can find in my previous post.

Summer Rain Farm harvest our raw honey and bottle it for you to enjoy.

Farm Fresh Eggs

Our final offering at our roadside stands is our delicious farm fresh eggs. Summer Rain Farm has a flock of 38 layer chickens that give us between 30 and 36 eggs every day.

We collect the eggs in the morning and evening and after cleaning them, we package them in our cardboard containers. The containers are kept in the fridge overnight and then put into a cooler with ice packs out in our stand.

Do you frequent road side stands?

Summer Rain Farm would love to hear from you about items you enjoy getting at the roadside stands in your area.