So you moved to the country, now what?

So you’ve found your little(or big) slice of heaven. Congratulations!

You’ve moved in and looked at all that space. What can you do with it now?

I’m going to list some ideas for you to pick and choose what interests you most. A few things should be first if your looking down the road. These are just general suggestions. I will go more in depth for each suggestion in later posts. Check in the categories for updates.

List of ideas

  • Orchards should be planted first as they take a little time to establish. If you want to grow fruit, I advise researching your zone and get planting.
  • Vineyards also need to be planted a couple years until you can harvest grapes and make wines or jellies.
  • Berry bushes and strawberry patches usually produce in the second year.
  • Gardens can start to produce right away.
  • Animal shelters and fencing should be thought about before bringing that first cute animal home.

Shelters can be as little as a 4′ x 6′ shed for a few chickens or ducks or as large as a full size barn for horses, cows or goats and everything between.

Goose house
Goose house

Think about where the fencing will go. Fencing makes good neighbours as well.

Take a real look at your property and see what is already there. Is there a shed that would work, or fencing already installed? Can it work for what you want?

Is there a water source close enough to use for plants or animals or will you have to truck buckets around?


Is the land flat, sloping, rocky or forested? All these attributes have uses such as pastures, gardens or tapping for maple syrup.

I would love to know what your property will be used for.